The chairs have fleshed out the agenda a bit more, and I've uploaded the
latest list. I don't have times on there, but I'll sort that out later
on Friday.
I wish to urge those who are on the list to send me some slides by
Sunday. It would be most apprecriative.
## DNS Operations (DNSOP) Working Group
# IETF 98, Chicago
### Date: Monday 27 March 2017
### Time: 13:00-15:00 CST (19:00-21:00 UTC)
### Room: Zurich D
### Chairs: Tim Wicinski <>
### Chairs: Suzanne Woolf <>
## Secretary: Paul Hoffman <>
# Agenda
### Agenda Bashing, Blue Sheets, etc, 10 min
### Updates of Old Work, Chairs
* Droms,
Summary from Interim
## Current Working Group Business
* Hoffman,
10 min
* Crocker, [draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf]
DNS Scoped Data Through '_Underscore' Attribute Leaves
* Chairs, draft-woodworth-bulk-rr
BULK DNS Resource Records
* Dickinson, draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-capture-format
C-DNS: A DNS Packet Capture Format
## New Working Group Business
* Wouters, draft-wouters-sury-dnsop-algorithm-update
* Arends, draft-arends-dnsop-dnssec-algorithm-update
* Goldberg, draft-vcelak-nsec5
NSEC5, DNSSEC Authenticated Denial of Existence
* Kristoff, draft-kristoff-dnsop-dns-tcp-requirements
DNS Transport over TCP - Operational Requirements
* Bellis, draft-bellis-dnsop-xpf
EDNS X-Proxied-For
* Lawrence, draft-tale-dnsop-edns0-clientid
Client ID in Forwarded DNS Queries
* Lawrence, draft-wkumari-dnsop-extended-error
DNSOP mailing list