> On 21 Mar 2017, at 14:09, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
> Can we tell from the queries or a timeline of query quantity if this
> is generic .home pollution that predates the homenet protocol suite,
> or actually the result the homenet protocol suite being deployed?

What's this "we"? :-)

The short answer to your question Paul is I don't know. If someone could 
confirm what qname/qtype tuples are limited to the homenet suite, I could go 
looking for them in the DITL datasets. This will not be a trivial task. One 
year's DITL data generally consists of a few TB of data spread over 300K 
compressed pcap files containing a total of ~100B queries. It takes about 1 day 
of elapsed time and a few CPU-weeks to chug through that.

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