On Mar 20, 2017, at 9:37 PM, Steve Crocker <st...@shinkuro.com> wrote:
> Before addressing the questions you've asked, let me about the rest of the 
> picture.  How do names get assigned within the local homenet domain?

Using either hybrid dnssd, or else stateful dnssd.   So,


The short answer is that names are discovered on the local wire using Multicast 
DNS (RFC 6762) and published using DNS Service Discovery (RFC 6763).   The 
former is a link-local protocol; the latter is the DNS wire protocol, with some 
special features.   The drafts I linked to talk about that in detail, but it's 
a lot of reading.   I think the first one gives you a decent sketch, but it's a 
-00, so it could probably be a lot more clear.

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