To re-raise my unaddressed points from the first Working Group Last Call:

   - There is no mechanism for signaling section 4.1/ section 4.3 "partial
   response" behavior to clients (e.g., a new OPT record EDNS header flag
   - Insisting that the HINFO OS field SHOULD be empty ("set to the null
   string") seems a little too strong; there's room in it for—and value
   from—a short explanation (e.g., as can be observed today: 3789 IN HINFO "Please stop asking for ANY" "See
   draft-ietf-dnsop-refuse-any"). I'd prefer text like "The OS field
of the HINFO
   RDATA SHOULD be short to minimize the size of the response, and MAY be
   empty or MAY include a summarized description of local policy."
   - "Conventional [ANY] response" is used but not defined.
   - "ANY does not mean ALL" is misleading—RFC 1035
   <> is clear about
   QTYPE=255 being "a request for *all* records" (emphasis mine). That
   said, the proposed *response* behavior is consistent with that RFC.

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:11 AM, tjw ietf <> wrote:

> All
> During the first WGLC of draft-ietf-dnsop-refuse-any, several issues were
> raised by the working group that needed to be addressed. The Authors
> addressed the issues, but the changes are enough that there should be a
> second Working Group Last Call on the changes.
> This begins a Second WGLC for draft-ietf-dnsop-refuse-any.  The Document
> is located here:
> refuse-any/
> However, the changes that were made since the last WGLC can be found here:
> any-03&url2=draft-ietf-dnsop-refuse-any-04
> Please take a few moments to refer the changes and let the working group
> know if the document is ready to move forward.   We're mostly looking for
> remaining issues that have not been addressed.
> This WGLC ends on Thursday 30 March 2017.
> Thanks
> tim/suzanne
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