On Dec 20, 2016, at 1:45 AM, ac <a...@main.me> wrote:
> It is not really an argument to say just because someone else has no
> ethics it is also okay for me not to have ethics.

Andre, you still haven’t given any reason why the IETF should care about your 
ethical beliefs.   I’ve asked you several times privately to either give us a 
reason to accept your ethical system that _we can understand_ or stop 
haranguing us about it.   The reason that you have given is nonsensical; the 
distinction you are drawing is nonsensical.

Although people do buy and sell domain names, what they are actually buying and 
selling is a contract right to the name, not the name itself.   This can be 
validated simply by noticing that if one fails to continue to renew a domain 
name, one loses it, and if one has a domain name that infringes on a registered 
trademark, and the owner of the trademark enters arbitration on it, one stands 
to lose it as well (although that isn’t always the outcome, of course).

The point is that while you may believe that domains names are property, and 
that a DNS server administrator who doesn’t honor that property right is 
stealing, nobody here agrees with you, and by and large the courts do not agree 
with you either.   If you wish to litigate this issue, you are talking to the 
wrong people.   You can continue to harangue us, but we aren’t going to change 
our minds. You can demand that the working group not accept this work because 
of your ethical beliefs, but it’s clear that nobody agrees with you, and a lot 
of people disagree, so that’s not going to get you what you want.

I know it’s not pleasant to be ignored, and I genuinely sympathize, but if you 
continue to harangue us, you will just be wasting the working group’s time, and 
you risk a formal pr-action, which would remove your posting rights for some 
period of time.   Please stop before someone has to do this.

Of course, the same goes for people on the other side of this discussion: Andre 
has obviously not convinced anyone; if he continues to post, there is no need 
to continue to reply.

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