On Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:27:51 GMT
Vernon Schryver <v...@rhyolite.com> wrote:
> > From: ac <a...@main.me>
> > that is only your point of view, take of your sunglasses, it is
> > bright outside, we are Making The Internet Great Again, writing
> > protocols to tell lies, moving lines, exploring the dark side of
> > the force, a new time is upon us, where toasters also make ice and
> > ice and tell time. you are right about the speed though, must be
> > the wind in your hair?
> The Internet stopped at the bottom of this particular slope years ago.
> The idea of dishonest DNS servers is at least 25 years old, although
> almost all such talk avoids words like "lie" and "truth."  As you can
> see from the History section on page 23 of
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-vixie-dns-rpz/?include_text=1

in 2017 if we do not start talking about "truth" and "lies" we will
end up where we are going.

And, objectively, This (RPZ) does more evil than it does good.

And, it is morally objectionable to enable evil. As with all evil, this
also hides the truth from it's own users

anyway, the discussion is about having the stones to actually ask
for comments on making protocols to tell lies and it not being
morally objectionable to do that (because of the Vixie name, whom the
majority respect (and some are in awe of) )

but, simply because i respect someone, it does not make it okay when
they tell me that it is okay to rob the corner liquor store, as I know
it is not.

there are many good arguments for and against (RPZ)

But the ethics of this protocol is fatally flawed.

The community should take note, sit up straight and drive the accelerated 
adoption of DNSSEC deployment

Maybe that is why you are driving this, Vernon? not because you are
short sighted, or ethically challenged, but because you are secretly a
decent, honest, fair human being and this is your contribution to
galvanize action on DNSSEC deployment?


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