In message <>
, Brian Dickson writes:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 6:37 PM, Ted Lemon <> wrote:
> > Brian, there's no need for the complexity you are describing.   The
> > unsecured delegation of .homenet would just point to AS112.   Any trust
> > anchor bootstrapping would not involve the root at all.
> >
> Is the intent just to have a global NXDOMAIN, provided with no DNSSEC?
> That works at preventing homenet from working unless every resolver inside
> the home network is homenet-aware.
> (And yes, I realize as currently specified in RFC 7778, that is a
> requirement.)
> However, I don't believe that is only (or optimal) path for the homenet.
> Their stated goal is that they want everything to work, plug-and-play.
> What I'm proposing will (I believe) actually produce a working network as
> long as a single resolver is homenet-aware.
> It automatically gets non-homenet-aware resolvers to point at homenet-aware
> resolvers (ie homenet routers), as long as the default address for homenet
> routers' DNS service, is the same as the value assigned in the AS112-like
> delegation.
> I.e. it turns a broken hybrid of "today" networks plus a "homenet", into a
> fully functional homenet with a minimum of
> deployments/upgrades/replacements. It also minimizes the "broken Christmas
> light" aka "missing terminator" class of problem, if any host is running
> its own recursive resolver (which would then fail to properly integrate
> into the homenet.)
> (Also, I think having things with built-in firmware-based crappy resolvers
> actually work without any patching, would be nice.)
> I agree that an unsigned delegation is sufficient for non-hybrid
> homenet-aware gear to provide hosts a correct homenet experience.
> Brian

So you want the nameservers configured to serve HOMENET to advertise
a well known prefixes (IPv4 and IPv6) into the IGP and as a result
packet routing will direct HOMENET queries to those servers.

That the publically delegated to servers also use those addresses.

I suppose this helps the case of a host using interative resolution
to find the on net homenet servers.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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