I feel this is a corner case. My experience with 'mom' whitegoods is
that they age out much faster than the 10+ year case. Shops do not
hold electronic goods for sale that long, if its old but unboxed, you
have taken yourself into a dark alley deliberately. If you genuinely
were supporting your mum by buying two, and keeping one offline for 10
years you would have done better buying one, and replacing after 5.

Once you are in a head-space of 'must be old stock compatible' its a
different, not-mum friendly world. Its NASA and you are reading 80
column cards.

Disclosure: I turn my adm-5 lear ziegler terminal on every now and
then, but the flyback transformer whine is painful. I have stock which
exceeds a ten year life but I don't deploy it on anyone I love.

On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Ted Lemon <mel...@fugue.com> wrote:
> Or your device needs an RTC...
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 6:30 PM, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Nov 2016, Ted Lemon wrote:
>>> Why would you put a device on the shelf for ten years?  Is this a real
>>> scenario?  This is certainly a known issue that has been talked about at
>>> length--the conclusion when it was discussed is that there is nothing we can
>>> do about it, and it's relatively unlikely, and manually fixable.
>> How is it manually fixable? By someone to ssh into the device and edit a
>> file with new key material?
>> My mom can't do this.
>> I have personally picked a Cisco AGS out of a unopened box in 2010. By then
>> it was probably 15-20 (?) years old?
>> Anyhow, my takeaway from this message is that DNSSEC can't be used as a
>> mechanism for device autoconfiguration. No device trying to autoconfigure
>> itself can rely on DNSSEC, because there is a fairly short (few years)
>> window for that device to get plugged in, because after that it can't
>> autoconfigure itself.
>> Correct?
>> --
>> Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se
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