I'm a little confused to the feedback, so I'm asking for some clarification.

On 11/14/16, 11:27, "DNSOP on behalf of Ondřej Surý" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org on 
behalf of ondrej.s...@nic.cz> wrote:

>I think this is a technical detail best left to the software vendors and it 
>should be removed from the draft.

My question/suggestion is in reaction to this passage in the draft "proposes 
updated resolver algorithm that separate authoritative data cache that is 
answered to stub resolvers and delegation cache" and some other responses 
suggesting that having two caches might be troublesome.

Are you saying that how this is implemented is to be left up to the software 
developer?  If so, I agree with that.  But I am not sure you if are commenting 
on my "why it can't it be done this way" comment.  Either way, my comment is 
not to overly specify how.

>As a side note, having a (platform-sized) pointer for each RR in the RR-cache 
>is a huge bloat...

I hadn't claimed by idea was good. ;)  It was the first alternative that came 
to mind.
>If we were to design RFC1034/1035 again I would say that NS records are more 
>close to DS.

Hmmm.  I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "more close."  I was going to 
say that for DNSSEC, we found it tricky to find two data sets with the same 
owner/class/type having two sources and so had to dance around the split 
responsibilities for the NS set.  But then we invented NSEC which is features 
two set with the same owner/class/type but two authorities (as opposed to 
sources) also, except that this time (NSEC and then NSEC3 and any proposed 
updates) the RDATA was distinctly different.

If I were to redo what was in the base definitions, I would have used different 
type codes for the set above the cut and the set below the cut - but not for 
NSEC/NSEC3/etc.  I don't have a neat generalization, but, in summary having the 
NS set above and below, and having glue not marked as such in the type code 
(GLUEA or GLUEAAAA) is, I don't know, suboptimal in retrospect.

>The predictability of resolver behavior.

Yes, there's work needed to do, both NS sets (at a cut) are needed in tandem.

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