#3.1.  Session Lifecycle
#   A session begins when a client makes a new connection to a server.

Can a client make an old connection?  I ask that stupid question because in my 
mind a session can include multiple transports either overlapping or sequential 
in time.  (Perhaps a different notion of session.)

Should that above read: " A session begins when a client requests a connection 
to a server." or "A session begins when a client requests a connection in 
absence of an existing session?"

#   If a client makes a connection and then fails to send any DNS
#   messages, then after 30 seconds the server SHOULD abort the
#   connection with a TCP RST.

Later on there is text reading "abort the connection with a TCP RST (or 
equivalent for other protocols)".  Perhaps the parenthetical comment is needed 
here as well.

#   When a server implementing this specification receives a new
#   connection from a client,

"receives a connection" seems like poor wording.  Perhaps "acknowledges a 
connection request" or "establishes a connection".  The server may decide to 
not honor a connection request, hence no need to set up any state (idle timer).

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