
On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 6:41 AM, Shane Kerr <sh...@time-travellers.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> There are a few suggestions about the DNS over HTTP draft made off-list,
> which I will try to characterize here:
> * We should expand the motivations to explain why DNS over HTTP makes
>   sense at all.
> * We should restrict the protocol to TLS.
> I am happy to expand the motivation section, although I am beginning to
> wonder if it will ever be enough. :)

There is enough motivation why someone would want DNS/HTTP, but not why does
it warrant a standard. The Section 1 in -00 said: "It simply serves as
a sort of DNS VPN" which is
quite accurate. We don't have a standard for DNS over IPSec or OpenVPN because
the carrier is not DNS agnostic (or doesn't have to be), like in this case.
While this draft solves a legitimate problem, it's still a blessed workaround.

> As for a requirement for TLS... the document currently says that
> implementers SHOULD use TLS. My own feeling is that this should be
> enough; apparently the recommendation to require TLS was made in the
> HTTP/2 working group and rejected, so I am not sure that we need to
> re-visit the entire discussion around the DNS over HTTP protocol.
> https://http2.github.io/faq/#does-http2-require-encryption
> Note that I do not have a strong preference here. This is a working
> group document, so if there is consensus for requiring TLS then that's
> how it is.
> A final oversight that occurred to me is that there should be a privacy
> section. This is because since the DNS over HTTP serves as a DNS
> resolver that all of the privacy considerations of a normal DNS
> resolver apply, and should be mentioned (probably referencing RFC 7626).
> Cheers,
> --
> Shane


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