On 11/07/2016 07:13, George Michaelson wrote:

> Things like client capability signalling, I suspect are in a harder
> bucket. I won't say intractably hard, but last time I floated
> capability flagging, I got pretty strong pushback.

I think capability flagging is difficult in a stateless protocol like
UDP - there's no guarantee that the next endpoint that you send a packet
to is the same one that just told you what capabilities it has.

It could be done over TCP, and perhaps in other protocols that add a
pseudo-session on top of UDP (e.g. DNS-o-DTLS?) but even then the
signaling should only really apply to the current connection / session.

As it happens, the Session Signaling draft I submitted last week
originally had an option for exchanging the end-points' EDNS0 option
support, but some of my co-authors didn't like it so I removed it...


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