At Sun, 1 May 2016 19:20:33 +0200,
Matthijs Mekking <> wrote:

> >>>> - I don't see why setting the CD bit is an indication that NSEC(3)
> >>>> aggressive usage should not be used. Could you elaborate on that?
> >>
> >> I am still hoping that someone could response to this :)
> >
> > Specifically where in draft-fujiwara-dnsop-nsec-aggressiveuse-03 are
> > you referring to?
> Section 5.1. Specifically I think that the CD bit signals to disable
> signature validation in a security-aware name server (but does not
> prevent it from happening anyways), but that does not disable answering
> already validated data from its cache.

I didn't (and still don't) interpret that section as a query with the
CD bit shouldn't be answered with a cached NSEC applying
nsec-aggressiveuse.  To me it seems to be just silent about that
point.  I guess it simply assumes a particular validator behavior that
skips DNSSEC validation on queries with the CD bit (and the resulting
NSEC can't be used for subsequent nsec-aggressiveuse as it's not
validated) and considers that can be exploited by an attacker.

But your actual point is probably: if the validating recursive server
performs DNSSEC validation for an answer triggered by a query with the
CD bit (but returns the answer whether or not it validates; that's the
real normative part of the protocol with a SHOULD), and if the
validating recursive server uses the validated (and cached) NSEC for
subsequent nsec-aggressiveuse, sending queries with the CD bit
wouldn't be an effective attack vector as the section suggests.

In that sense, I agree with you and I also think what's (seemingly)
stated in this section does not make much sense.

Personally, though, I have an even more fundamental question on this
section: to me, the claimed benefit of this approach as a defence
against "random subdomain attacks" is very weak, and all related
discussions in that context just makes the document unnecessarily
complicated.  If we simply consider this technique as a
possibly-nice-to-have optimization, the CD bit discussion will become
simply unnecessary.  So I'd suggest re-purposing the draft and just
remove this section (or just mentions the validator should perform
DNSSEC validation even if it's triggered by a query with the CD bit to
make this technique more effective).

JINMEI, Tatuya

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