On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 02:13:08PM +0200,
 Philip Homburg <pch-dn...@u-1.phicoh.com> wrote 
 a message of 40 lines which said:

> In fact, some really big mail providers require reverse DNS.

I know.

> So, ISPs not doing reverse DNS for IPv6, like my current ISP, are
> making it impossible to use your own mail server to deliver mail
> over IPv6.

I see two simple solutions for that. You mention one (ip6.arpa DNS
delegation), since, as you said, people who want to manage a mail
server probably can manage a DNS zone.

There is another one, apparently not mentioned by the draft but widely
used in the VPS / dedicated server world: give the users a Web
interface / API so they can add PTR themselves. After all, unlike what
the current draft seems to imply, there is zero need to give a PTR to
every thermostat or refrigerator in the house. You need PTR for a few
machines only, such as the mail server. This can be delegated to the

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