In message <>, Ray Bellis writes:
> On 15/04/2016 05:19, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > Or we could just complain to the operators of the servers that echo
> > EDNS options and request that they fix them.  It's not like it isn't
> > a fixable problem.  It just requires a little co-operation to find
> > and report broken servers to the operators and willingness to follow
> > through when servers are not fixed.
> >
> > Below is list of servers that echo unknown EDNS options and don't
> > also return BADVERS / FORMERR from yesterdays EDNS compliance run.
> I'm more concerned by the dumb CPE devices that do the same but aren't 
> detected by your (very useful) survey.

Most dumb CPE devices don't do EDNS at all or just proxy it from a
recursive server.  If they are broken then the owner will find out
and replace it.

If you really needed to know if a CPE device is broken send a EDNS
COOKIE.  If it is echoed back it is broken but will also let you
know the reply isn't spoofed.  If you get a SERVER COOKIE that
should be a good (not perfect) indication that EDNS options are
well handled.


> Ray
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