Ted Lemon <ted.le...@nominum.com>于2016年3月11日周五 下午12:26写道:
> I think this document could be made a lot simpler if it simply said what
> it says in the abstract, without placing new requirements on DNS caches.
>  Right now it says DNS caches SHOULD take an NXDOMAIN on a particular
> domain as applying to all names under it.   This is certainly a valid thing
> to do, and I can think of ways to do it reasonably efficiently even wish a
> hashed cache, but reasonably is still O(number of labels) instead of O(1).
>  If you just say what the abstract says and nothing more, that allows
> implementations to be "more efficient," as you suggest, without requiring
> implementations to be less efficient.   Granted, it's a SHOULD, but I think
> that still goes too far.   You should just say that NXDOMAIN means what you
> want it to mean, and leave it at that.

another choice :  Authority Server return NODATA/NXDOMAIN as nxdomain cut,
but no change on DNS cache.  Some impact on NSEC/NSEC3 records.

- no names under foo.example => NXDOMAIN  at  foo.example

- zone with bar.foo.example, where foo.example does not exist => NODATA
or  NOERROR + NULL Answer    at  foo.example


Best Regards
Pan Lanlan
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