We did not use get because get does not have a request payload.

On March 1, 2016 6:44:16 PM PST, Davey Song <songlinj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org>
>> This document is a good idea, but it has some faults that need to be
>> before it goes forwards.
>> - In the Introduction, it says in essence that this is just using
>HTTP to
>> tunnel DNS and is not of use to web browsers. This is wrong, I
>> JavaScript in browsers cannot create port 53 queries, but they can
>> arbitrary HTTP/HTTPS queries. This protocol would allow JavaScript
>apps to
>> get DNS responses as long as they could cobble together the request
>> and interpret the response. It would be ugly, yes, but so is a lot of
>> I see in JavaScript these days.
>> If it is feasible (or there is an technical requirement) that
>can handle wire-format DNS massage over HTTP, it is no reason to
>it. So the simple way to edit this is to get rid of such saying of
>web browser user.
>> - Using POST for queries goes against the design of HTTP. POST is for
>> requests that change state on the server, and DNS queries are not
>> This protocol should use GET.
>Fair enough.
>> - The lack of a common URI template will completely prevent
>> interoperability. You should instead use .well-known prefix for
>getting the
>> syntax as described in RFC 5785.
>I agree we should end up with a fixed URI template which can be
>by both client and server. Particularly in Proxy mode, the server proxy
>will leverage the 80/443 port with existing Web server, we should avoid
>conflicts with existing web service URIs.
>- Section 3.3 is completely unclear. Either prohibit the two-byte
>> added for TCP queries, or require them all the time. Making them
>> will make interoperability difficult or impossible.
>What we say in Section 3.3 is not including the two-byte field in the
>message sent to the server. Is the text not clear ? I will try to make
>more clear
>> - Having no security considerations for a protocol that has optional
>> seems like a big oversight.
>Yes. I admit it is a big oversight here. I will discuss with
>Any suggestions ?
>> Hope this helps!
>> Thank you ! The original  idea is to document how we implement the
>software and try to share the communication pattern with other
>Now we should follow IETF way to formalized the document : )
>> --Paul Hoffman
>DNSOP mailing list

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