On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> I seem to remember that the working group already put all 6761 related
> requests for TLDs on hold. So new TLDs cannot be requested to be reserved
> via 6761 anyway. I don't think a further RFC is needed to formalise
> this. Although that can be discussed on the dnsop list of course.

Respectfully, I don't agree. the current shut-down is an ad-hoc decision.
It needs the formalism to close it permanently, if we expect to stop people
coming to the door. If we have a sense at some stage the door is
re-opening, we can expect the queue not only to be maintained, but to grow.

I think the proper place for the queue is in another venue (ICANN) and
their lack of a proper technical justification channel independently of our
process is a problem, but its a problem in their space, not in our space.

Equally, if a proposal like the ALT namespace was secured, the
special-names registry would be superceded by the ALT registry, which
operated on a completely different basis with different consequences and
costs. I don't think the special-use names registry should remain open
on-hold, if we secure ALT.

So I think a distinct formalism which says "we made a mistake: we don't do
this" has merit.

This is basically what I'd expect to say on slideware in the meeting. But
we can do it here too.


> Paul
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