In message <>, Olafur Gudmundsson 
> > On Dec 27, 2015, at 11:40 PM, John Levine <> wrote:
> >
> >>> NEW
> >>>   For instance, some authoritative name servers embedded in load
> >>>   balancers reply properly to A queries but send REFUSED to NS
> queries.
> >>>   This behaviour violates the DNS protocol (see Section ??? of RFC??,
> >>>   and improvements to the DNS are impeded if we accept such behaviour
> >>>   as normal.
> >>> END
> >>
> >> Does anyone has an idea of the reference to use to replace the "???"
> >
> > Given that it doesn't seem to be a protocol violation, I'd suggest this:
> >
> >    For instance, some authoritative name servers embedded in load
> >    balancers reply properly to A queries but send REFUSED to NS queries.
> >    This behavior causes a variety of problems, such as invalid negative
> >    answers, that are so severe that it is unreasonable to expect clients
> >    to interoperate with them reliably and so there is no point in
> trying to
> >    work around them.
> >
> > R's,
> > John
> >
> For the longest time in the DNS world there have been different
> standards of conduct for the different functional elements.
> Publishers can get a away with gross misconduct, while resolvers are
> expected to find the answer at all cost.
> I agree with your statement as the first step in calling out authorities
> that if they are not nice there is no need to try to return the answer.
> In 1999 or 2000 we started seeing LoadBalancers that returned NXDOMAIN
> for any query other than A for a name.
> At the time the bind-9 team argued about what to do, I still think that
> the behavior selected was the wrong one i.e. ignore NXDOMAN for AAAA
> query and ask for A.

Named doesn't ignore the NXDOMAIN.  The only type where NXDOMAIN
is handled seperately is for DS.  If named learns that AAAA returns
NXDOMAIN the next A lookup will return NXDOMAIN.

Named does treat a server as broken on a per type basis so REFUSED /
SERVFAIL etc. for one type does not impact on lookupd of other types.

> IMHO a resolver that does not like the answers it is getting from a
> authority has full right to stop trying to find the answer and return
> I understand that operators of said resolver will get complaints that
> important cat pictures are unavailable,
> I think for all practical purposes this situation is a great example of
> the Prisoners Dilemma as there is no way to educate the people writing
> the crap software as they are insulated by multiple layers of protection.
> Olafur
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