Hi Viktor,

Thanks a lot for your response and sorry for delaying my response. 

> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 09:56:26PM +0100, Hosnieh Rafiee wrote:
> > > Second, from the quick description, I don't quite understand what
> > > you want to solve.  Not complaining, but in preparing to ask for a
> > > new type, the use case might need to be clearer.
> >
> > Authentication and authorization in multi-tenancy environment where it
> > is based on certificates and TLS and not giving direct access to
> > resource policy that belongs to the owner of infrastructure while at
> > the same time giving flexibility to each tenant to delegate all or a
> > part of its resources to third party.
> This is still much too vague.  Is the goal here to turn DNS into something
akin to
> "Active Directory"?  Perhaps a better design is to use DNS primarily for
> organizational key management (solving the "introduction" problem), and to
> leave more fine-grained security policy storage to dedicated services such
> Kerberos, ...  There've been mutterings of facilitating cross-realm
Kerberos via
> DANE, thus avoiding the need for manual pairwise shared keys.

The purpose is to reduce dependency to other services such as Active
directory, etc. Since DNS is widely used in most infrastructure for
providing the mapping of name to ip address for many devices, it is
beneficial to re-use the same service for also authentication and
authorization. So, to abit clearer, we are talking about the system that
uses TLS based authentication, that is the certificates is also the identity
of the device. There is usually less problem with first trust in first
contact because usually there is agreement that during this agreement, this
trust can be established. So, there is not so much worry about that.
Therefore, automation for this is not the purpose but rather, mapping of
authentication and authorization is the focus. Since authentication can be
already achieved by DANE, we only need this mapping that can be also
achieved by the introduction of a small resource record. 

I looked at Kitten charter, it does not cover the aspects, we are looking
for and it covers something else which is out of scope of the work we want
to do.  

> > I actually asked in the mailinglist whether their charter is open to
> > having the bounding of authentication and authorization there since
> > the purpose would be also use DANE. But what I heard (in private
> > message exchanges) that they do not want to recharter to consider this.
> I was one of the off-list responders.  I still think the scope was much
too broad
> (not well defined), and that a more narrow definition would likely
> probably just use DANE TLSA to secure the transport, and do everything
> at higher layers (above the DNS).
I looked at Kitten charter, it does not cover the aspects, we are looking
for and it covers something else which is out of scope of the work we want
to do.  
So, if DNSOP is not a place to introduce a new resource record, then where
is the place? That is the question.

> A requirements draft might be the right starting point, and "aaa"
> is much more of a topic for "kitten" than for DANE or DNSOP.

Ok, I will draft it as a requirement and submit it. thanks 


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