The real issue with fragmentation is that firewalls don't add
appropriate slit rules to let through the response fragments when
they open the pinhole for the reply packet.

It isn't that hard to add "permit from dest, to src, type udp, frag
offset != 0" when you add "permit from dest port 53, to src port
xxx, type udp" except the firewall vendors haven't written code to
do it.  You don't have to let through all fragments.  You can filter
to potentially matching fragment.  The effort to be a perfect filter
breaks legitimate traffic.

NATs need to reassemble packets / hold fragments until the initial
fragment arrives but even they can use slit rules to reduce the
attack surface.  You don't have to drop fragments that you haven't
seen the initial fragment of the packet yet (ipfw does/did this).

The fragment with offset 0 also needs to be sent first.  This greatly
improves to possibility of fragments getting through.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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