Hi everybody,

With help from PowerDNS ueber value community member Aki Tuomi, the GeoIP
backend in PowerDNS has been extended to use the netmask information
contained in the Maxmind geolocation database.

We needed this because we couldn't find a lot of domains out there that
actually respond with differing scope lengths to EDNS client subnet queries.

And we needed testing domains because we're nearly done adding EDNS client
subnet to PowerDNS Recursor 4.0 (authoritative has had it for years).

To test, try:

$ dig -t txt www.geo.powerdns.com 
www.geo.powerdns.com.   30      IN      TXT     "hallo Nederland"

And for IPv6:
www.geo.powerdns.com.   29      IN      TXT     "hallo Nederland 

It will send back information that differs per continent, and it knows about
some countries specifically (like The Netherlands), but not others:

www.geo.powerdns.com.   IN      CNAME   30 jpn.as.service.geo.powerdns.com.
jpn.as.service.geo.powerdns.com.        IN      TXT     30 "hello asia jpn"

The YAML behind this service can be found on http://pastebin.com/zbpznMa2

We'll keep this service running for now, but it might drop out from time to
time. But for now, if you need to test, www.geo.powerdns.com TXT is there
for you.


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