Hi all

Ref: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-muks-dnsop-dns-message-checksums/

A preliminary BIND implementation of DNS message checksums is here:


.. in the "dns-message-checksums" branch. You can configure BIND as an
authoritative server and play with it using dig from the same tree.  dig
requests a checksum by default (use +nochecksum to disable) and should
return output whether the checksum validation passed or not. The
exchange can be observed using a packet capture tool such as
Wireshark. It uses the experimental EDNS0 OPTION-CODE 65002. Checksum
validation MUST fail when the message is poisoned or the nonce

(Note that currently, BIND as resolver doesn't signal support for the
option to servers. Use dig to test it for now.)

It implements the draft as specified, adds some behaviors and checksum
algorithm that are to be introduced in revision -02. A working copy of
that upcoming revision can be seen here:



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