Paul Hoffman <> wrote:
> For this type of system, you want a hash or checksum function where
> finding collisions takes more than N attempts, and all of those attempts
> must be based on random guessing, not on some structure of the messages.
> N can be calibrated by the value of an attacker fooling you and the
> amount of time they have to create the collision. N=2^64 is probably
> sufficient for this attack because we still don't have a way to do 2^64
> guesses in a reasonable amount of time, and SHA-1 is still probably
> within that boundary. However, FNV (a non-cryptographic hash) has the
> same amount of collision protection but runs much faster.

FNV can be broken by a remote attacker - there are side-channel attacks
which leak hash randomization secrets. Python switched from FNV to
SipHash, which is about the same speed but a lot stronger.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Viking, North Utsire: Easterly 4 or 5, increasing 6 at times. Slight or
moderate, but rough in southwest Viking. Showers later. Good, occasionally
poor later.

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