On Aug 4, 2015, at 5:39 PM, Donald Eastlake <d3e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From that it does not follow that it
> "wouldn't make sense" to use COOKIEs in connection with TSIG. The
> non-cryptographic calculations you do for COOKIE verification are
> going to be at least two orders of magnitude cheaper than the
> cryptographic calculations you do for TSIG verification.

This is not true, because TSIG is going to be using the exact same hashing 
algorithm you are going to be using for cookies.   Kind of a side issue, though.

> I would say it is more like it is easy to construct situations in
> which it of great benefit and easy to construct situations in which it
> is of no benefit. But it is not certain as to where on this spectrum
> things will typically fall and how that will change with time.

Actually we can make a lot of predictions.   First, if there is no incentive to 
implement it, vendors won’t implement it, so we can safely assume that adoption 
on stub resolvers will be very slow.  It’s possible that this could go a 
different way, but if history is our guide it won’t.   There is a huge 
incentive for DDoS attackers to come up with ways to bypass and leverage it, 
though.   Let’s think through some cases (I’m going to channel the following 
analysis from a private exchange I had with someone at Nominum who has a lot 
more DNS fu than I do, so if it seems brilliant, he gets the credit, and if it 
seems stupid, it’s probably because I am a lousy medium):

Client good, no cookie: client treated normally, rate limited for excessive 
traffic (client may be broken but not malicious, still needs rate limit). 

Client evil, no cookie: client treated normally, rate limited for excessive 
traffic because malicious.

Client good, has cookie: client treated normally, rate limited for excessive 
traffic because might be broken.   You can treat clients that have cookie 
preferentially, but you still have to rate limit them since they may be broken.

Client evil, has cookie: client treated normally, rate limited for excessive 
traffic because evil.   If you treat good clients preferentially, you’re also 
treating evil clients preferentially.

You may be tempted to say “but the client is a DDoS client, so it won’t have a 
cookie.”   This is false, because the client may be an open resolver that 
implements cookies, and indeed open resolvers that implement cookies will now 
be specially favored as attack vectors.   And of course botnet attackers have 
legit IP addresses and use them, so again they can and definitely will 
implement cookies.   Worse, they can now make you do more work in order to rate 
limit them, because they can make up new cookies.   And if you rate limit by IP 
address as well as cookie, then you are doing the same amount of work as if you 
just rate limited, so cookies provide no benefit.

All of this goes for other potential sources of attack, like states and weak 

The recursive->auth path is easy to attack with two-way communication, so 
cookies don’t really help you here unless you also do per-source rate limiting, 
at which point cookies also don’t help you because they add no value if you are 
doing per-source rate limiting.

(Back to me…)   This doesn’t even get into the attacks you can do against a 
server that has the stateless implementation proposed in the draft.   In an 
implementation that does no per-source rate limiting, a botnet or open-resolver 
network that can do cookies can now shut out the vast majority of legitimate 
clients that do not do cookies.   So cookies now massively assist the attack, 
rather than slightly penalizing it.   And this is a very real concern, because 
such networks exist now, and can readily be turned to this new and more 
effective attack as soon as cookies are widely deployed on caching resolvers 
and/or auth servers.   We are much more likely to see client-side cookie 
implementations on botnet attackers in particular because there is a huge 
incentive for implementing them.

And of course as I mentioned previously, an on-path attacker can _prevent_ 
resolvers that do not implement cookies from returning results to clients that 
do, and can prevent clients that implement cookies from talking to resolvers 
that implement cookies.   The only clients that are safe from this attack are 
clients that do not implement cookies, which is another reason why deployment 
of cookies on clients might be slower than you would like to anticipate.

> Since there is no change in behavior for clients that don't support
> COOKIEs, there is no increase in packets for them.

Yup, sorry—I figured that out after I’d sent that response.

> I don't see any increase in packets for clients that support COOKIEs.
> If a server does not think it is under attack and is getting few
> enough requests from a client (and it seems to me that the first
> request if it has no previous history of requests would always
> qualify), it just processes the request normally and includes a server
> COOKIE with the response.

We really don’t care about the non-DDoS attack case except to the extent that 
cookies could be pre-seeded to cookie-aware clients, both good and evil, so 
that they immediately get preferential treatment during DDoS attacks.

> If, on the other hand, a server was going to
> discard a request from a client then, in the case where the client
> supports COOKIEs but did not include a correct server COOKIE, the
> server can return a short BADCOOKIE response, which means the client
> will be authenticated on its next try so that that client won't send a
> series of retries that are discarded saving on traffic.

This is true, but as explained above does not actually help.  I would suggest 
that it’s actually more likely that _all_ of the clients that implement cookies 
will be botnet clients, than it is that there will be a mix of botnet clients 
that implement cookies and legitimate clients that implement cookies, because 
botnets have an incentive to implement cookies, and legitimate clients do not.  
 It is an absolutely _huge_ win for a botnet attacker to implement cookies if 
most clients do not.

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