> From: Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@vpnc.org>
>> If resolvers are encouraged to use NSEC records to synthesize NXDOMAIN
>> responses, would there still be any point to this draft?
> Yes. No one has written up a document on using NSEC records to synthesize 
> NXDOMAIN for the root, and if they do, there will certainly be operational 
> considerations for that that are different than the operational 
> considerations for this draft. I'm not saying one would be better than the 
> other, but I suspect that the operational description of this draft would be 
> easier for an operator to understand.

I wroite "Aggressive use of NSEC/NSEC3 resource records may decrease
queries to Root DNS servers." in
draft-fujiwara-dnsop-nsec-aggressiveuse-00 as a side effect.

Is it related to root-loopback document?

# I will update the draft soon.

Kazunori Fujiwara, JPRS <fujiw...@jprs.co.jp>

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