In message <>, Evan Hunt writes:
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 06:38:24PM -0400, Donald Eastlake wrote:
> > The big argument against a Cookie error field, that I can see, is that
> > it isn't there in the BIND implementation and running code speaks
> > loudly in the IETF.
> When this is standardized, BIND will be changing the OPT code anyway;
> modifying the option format wouldn't be a huge problem. (I suspect it'll
> be more of an annoyance to change the name from "SIT" to "COOKIE".)
> Would it be reasonable to leave space in the option for error reporting,
> but leave it up to the implementor to decide whether to bother doing so?

Whether you generate the error code or not is immaterial.  If it
is there then the client has to code for it.

> -- 
> Evan Hunt --
> Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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