> On 16 Mar 2015, at 15:05, bert hubert <bert.hub...@netherlabs.nl> wrote:
> Sorry? We solve implementation hardship by standards action now?
>   "Some modern Authoritative servers, such as those used by CDN's, do
>   not have DNS zones.  For those servers answering ANY query truthfully
>   is hard work.  Thus ignoring ANY queries simplifies the
>   implementation."
> Is this really all there is to the story? Seriously? 
> I have lots of respect for Olafur, but this does seem to turn a local
> challenge into a global standards action..

Hypothetically, if you're using one of those funky NoSQL-style backends where 
RRs are looked up in a key-value store directly from a (QNAME, QTYPE) tuple I 
can see how supporting QTYPE == ANY would be tricky.

The fact that "ANY" exists can put some significant implementation constraints 
on your system :(


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