Delegation centric - for all labels below the apex, each owns an NS set.
(I.e., each is a cut point.)

I’ve never heard the other terms, have no idea what they’d mean (out of

On 2/24/15, 17:21, "Paul Hoffman" <> wrote:

>Greetings again. People have asked us to define "delegation-centric",
>"child-centric", and "parent-centric" for draft-hoffman-dns-terminology.
>None of them are defined in RFCs, even though "delegation-centric"
>appears in RFCs 4956, 5155, and 7129. The terms are used in various
>places, so they seem like good candidates for the terminology document.
>Proposals for definitions are welcome.
>--Paul Hoffman
>DNSOP mailing list

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