On 2/24/15, 11:33, "Shumon Huque" <shu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm, does this imply that IXFR is a transfer of data that it not
> authoritative? :-) Or does it need to be renamed to IAXFR.

I have a shovel out back, want to borrow it?

> Or should A in AXFR be something else, like "Absolute", or "All" or
> "All-Data" which might more correctly differentiate it from "Incremental".

Seriously - in operations land, "what you call something" isn’t as important
as the term’s definition being clear and common.

The only time one should fix documentation land is when trying to achieve a
clear and common understanding is had too difficult without the fix.

To quote a scholarship fund “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”  In the
same sense, I’d rather see effort spent improving operations than fixing

(Not referring to -dns-terminology-, referring to worrying about the precise
definition of the “A” in AXFR.)

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