On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 03:08:56PM +0000, Edward Lewis wrote:

> Okay, before getting too silly on this, IDNA is a convention for
> representing identifiers in non-ascii/latin scripts into DNS labels, for
> the purpose of restricting what can be registered to prevent confusion.

I think that misstates things a little.  I'd say it is a protocol for
representing Unicode in labels conforming to LDH, and for
internationalizing the LDH convention.

> between the printed and on-wire forms.)  But there’s nothing stopping me
> in the DNS protocol from putting arbitrary binary garbage

Or arbitrary UTF-8 strings.  There are systems that use them,
including some from the small vendors called "Apple" and "Microsoft".
(I don't think we're saying anything different; just trying to point
out this isn't theoretical.)


Andrew Sullivan

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