On Jan 7, 2015, at 10:19 AM, Andrew Sullivan <a...@anvilwalrusden.com> wrote:
> For these purposes, a separate resolver is needed anyway.  So a
> different class is just as feasible.

You seem to be missing Tony's point.

The point is that there is already a UI for typing, for example, "foo.onion".   
There is no UI for typing "foo" and saying "and that should be resolved using 
the 'onion' domain class."   So a resolver that supports using a different 
protocol to resolve .onion can work with an application that isn't aware that 
this is happening under the covers.

Whether that's a good or bad thing can of course be discussed, but that's the 
key point that your response doesn't address.   Except for this part, which is 

> I'd argue that mDNS is in the same boat.  This technique,
> really, is using the namespace as a clue that the protocol has shifted.

Of course, that boat has already sailed... :)

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