On 01/05/2015 07:25 PM, David Conrad wrote:
> Hellekin,
>>> For each of these names, it would be nice to see an argument as
>>> to why the names need to be TLDs as opposed to being located
>>> elsewhere in the tree.
>> A common denominator of all 6 pTLDs is that they do not use the
>> DNS tree hierarchy.  It's not that they don't want to, but that
>> their technical approach, both in terms of objectives and
>> solutions, make them incompatible with a centralized, hierarchic
>> name assignation and resolution.
> I think you missed Andrew's point.
> All 6 technologies use a string that looks like a domain name but
> isn't intended for use in the DNS.  Why does it matter if there is a
> '.' in the middle of that string?  That is, given the technology is
> presumably going to intercept the domain name before it gets sent to
> a resolver, why would it not be possible to use (say) BIT.ALT instead
> of .BIT?

Usability.  Especially on small screens (mobiles, etc.), every character

Also, we're not "alt" (German for "old"), we're new! DNS is "alt".

I personally also refuse to accept that ICANN somehow "owns" the entire
global name space.  We must not let anybody own our language. Allowing
ownership for certain individual words -- just as in trademarks -- can
be acceptable, but never everything.

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