Apologies if you are on multiple lists and see multiple copies of this 


The next OARC Spring Workshop will take place in Amsterdam on May 9th
and 10th, the weekend before RIPE70. OARC is requesting proposals for
presentations, with a preference for DDoS attack reports and mitigation
techniques. Reports and field stories can cover DNS-based DDoS attacks,
attacks to DNS infrastructure or side effects suffered by cache resolver

This workshop intends to build from previous strong OARC workshops,
where operational content and research is welcome. Presentations from
DNS operators are particularly welcome, as well as from DNS researchers.
All DNS-related subjects are accepted, introduction to new tools,
visualizations, DNSSEC and novel uses of the DNS.  If you are an OARC
member, and have a sensitive topic you would like to present for
members-only, we will accommodate those talks too. Adopting practice
from other conferences, a timeslot for lighting talks will be available
for short presentations (5 to 10 minutes).

Workshop Milestones
* 18 December 2014, Call for Presentations posted
* 8 January 2015, Open for submissions
* 5 March 2015, Deadline for submission
* 26 March 2015, Final Program published
* 7 May 2015, Final deadline for slideset submission

Details for abstract submission will be published here:


The workshop will be organized on different tracks, depending on the
topics and the timing of each presentation. If you are interested in a
lightning talk, let us know at the time of submission.

You can contact the Programme Committee:


via <submissi...@dns-oarc.net> if you have questions or concerns.

Sebastian Castro, for the OARC Programme Committee

OARC is also seeking sponsorship for this workshop, please contact
<spon...@dns-oarc.net> if your organization is interested in becoming a

(Please note that OARC is run on a non-profit basis, and is not in a
position to reimburse expenses or time for speakers at its meetings.)


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