Mark Andrews wrote:

> For you already have a PTR records.  Allowing the end
> user to set its content does not increase the amount of data you
> are serving.  It does increase the amount of churn in the zone.  A
> matching TCP source address is a good enough authenticator to permit
> the update.

It may be better to carry domain names in DHCP discover/request.

DHCP servers is less complicated than name servers that
it is safer to use it as the place to let end users
inject their information. wrote:

> Putting my ISP hat on, I'd have to agree with the security/stability
> reasons (and several others I can think of). As of today, I have zero
> incentive to let my residential customers create their own PTR records.
> Better tools and systems may change this, but it would in any case be
> *way* down on the priority list.

Considering that PTRs generated by ISPs are too often useless,
are you saying you won't provide PTRs?

                                                Masataka Ohta

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