On Sat, 25 Oct 2014, Paul Ebersman wrote:

Have you actually read through the new draft? It specifically prohibits
automatic installation of NTAs and says that you should have folks
familiar with operating DNS servers making any decisions.

That's my problem with the document. It describes a local policy that a
site might have. And documents three software implementations on how
to make such a negative trust anchor. Is that what an IETF document
should do?

That isn't painless. It means that this skips past all 1st tier and gets
to senior engineers. Don't know about you but I hate getting on-call
problems caused by someone else that I have no direct way to fix but
that my customers beat me for.

I did not get from reading the draft how I suddenly get much better
engineering contacts with big players. In fact, the draft tells me
the NTA's I create should not be distributed outside my administrative

So I'm confused. What is the goal of this document? How does it help us?


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