I’m getting confused about what the exact semantics of the proposed mechanisms 

Q1: The intent is that  ALIAS/ANAME/etc are a fallback rewrite operation if the 
name does not have the type asked for?

Q2: Is there a good  reason to restrict this to just the apex of a zone? 

Q3: Is there a  good reason to restrict the target of A* to be in-zone ? 

Q4: Is there a  good reason to restrict this to specific types? (Think about 
DANE cases with names like _443._tcp.@apex) 

On Sep 22, 2014, at 6:03 AM, Tony Finch <d...@dotat.at> wrote:

> I can see roughly three ways this might be done, in order of increasing
> complexity...
> (1) Master-only. The master observes an ANAME record at the apex of a zone
> it loads and uses it to periodically refresh the relevant records in the
> zone (as if you had a cron job running dig | magic | nsupdate).
> Disadvantage: potentially lots of XFR traffic if the TTLs are low.

Disadvantage: if the target is a CNAME what does the master do? 
It either need to know ALL possible types that may exist or use NSECx record to 
determine what exists. 
Possible disadvantage: Master/master signer needs access to resolver to access 
out of zone-data. 

Further disadvantage: if the A* target is out of zone at a CDN then the answers 
the “master” gets back reflect its 

> (2) Authority-only: All authority servers recognize ANAME records,
> PowerDNS style.
> Disadvantage: all authority servers need DNSSEC private keys.

Not an absolute requirement, we could play type code tricks that allow master 
server to store 
A* target records as different types but servers know that to check for them if 
A* exists. 
Disadvantage: All authority serves supporting A* need to know about type 
translation and signers need to know to perform actions. 

> (3) DNAME-style: Authority servers and resolvers recognize ANAME records.
> ANAME-aware servers (auth and rec) return the synthesized records for
> backwards compatibility, without signatures. For DNSSEC purposes the
> signed ANAME goes in the answer section and the original signed target
> goes in the additional section.
> Disadvantages: forklift upgrade; DNSSEC codepoint rollover.

You mean DNSKEY alg code points,? 
We only have 5 popular algorithms so that is not a big deal?


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