On Sep 21, 2014, at 5:10 PM, David Conrad <d...@virtualized.org> wrote:

> On Sep 21, 2014, at 2:04 PM, Doug Barton <do...@dougbarton.us> wrote:
>> On 9/21/14 1:14 PM, Suzanne Woolf wrote:
>>> This topic has come up here many times before,
> And like the joke about the weather...
>>> and there always seems to
>>> be interest. A fielded implementation
> There are at least three implementations of ‘alias mechanism for zone apex’ 
> I’m aware of (DNS Made Easy’s ANAME, PowerDNS’s ANAME (same thing?), and 
> CloudFlare’s “CNAME Flattening”). Not sure if they interoperable (or even if 
> there is a need for interoperability).

I'm personally fine with a discussion here of whether an interoperable standard 
is worth the effort, likely to be adopted, etc. 

Previous versions of this discussion have included use cases where 
interoperability is part of the value of an alias feature-- for example, if I'm 
a domain owner who wants both to determine the behavior of an "alias" in terms 
of what a client sees and to have flexibility across managed-DNS providers, I 
want a standard to hold my vendors to.

>>> and Paul's suggestion of an
>>> interoperable spec both seem like healthy developments.
>> As always I stand ready to revive 
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-barton-clone-dns-labels-fun-profit if 
>> there is interest.
> Given the end of the DNSEXT working group, perhaps there is sufficient 
> interest to have a BOF (Bar, Beach, or otherwise) in Honolulu?

As a first cut, the general topic is IMO on charter for the WG, if people 
seriously want to work on this.

I like David's idea of an informal BOF. I'm not sure of logistical constraints 
for the venue in Honolulu but I'm happy to work on pulling something together. 

Descriptions of the workings of the known "alias" features currently in the 
world would be helpful inputs, along with any specific use cases or problem 
statements people have in mind. The goal would be to get a preliminary idea of 
whether there's useful work to be done on the subject within the IETF process, 
beyond periodic bull sessions on the list, and if so, what's the most effective 
way to proceed.


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