Hi Hosnieh

On Mon, Sep 01, 2014 at 08:11:03AM +0000, Hosnieh Rafiee wrote:
> Hi there,
> During DNSOP session there was a draft that I accepted to be
> vollenteer reviewer. I wrote its name down but I cannot find it. Can
> you please send me the link to that draft. It appears that I lost that
> piece of paper... sorry...

This seems to be the transcript:

18:52:18 < dyork> Peter Koch speaking
18:52:24 < dyork> Tim is uploading the slides now
18:52:32 < suzworldwide> draft-ietf-dnsop-resolver-priming
18:53:23 -!- weiler [wei...@xmpp.rg.net] has joined #dnsop
18:53:25 < suzworldwide> (sorry it's not on the screen, it's in the agenda)
18:53:27 < dyork> Look for the double-square brackets and send your comments
18:53:31 -!- nygren [nyg...@gmail.com] has joined #dnsop
18:54:21 < dyork> Anyone willing to review the doc?     
18:54:34 < hosnieh> yes


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