On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 7:47 PM, Toerless Eckert <eck...@cisco.com> wrote:

> c) Any example in which the DNS servers utilizing a single shared
>    IP address (anycast address) are run by different operators ? Any
>    documents describing this ? (RFC3258 seems to focus on single operator
>    anycast group of DNS servers.
> I quite agree with Paul about the idea of Universal Anycast. His proposal
is very answer to your question.

As far as I understand, Universal Anycast is not particular approach to
expand the operator of root, but a way to massively distribute the key
services of Internet. You can refer to the discussion of ICANN ITI report :
https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/iti-report-15may14-en.pdf (
from page 26)

To your question, what I'm interested is that what's your requirement or
scenarios for this very use of Anycast.

> Thanks
>     Toerless
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