George Michaelson <> wrote:

> whats the issue with the cycle time to validate whats in a blob you fetch,
> against fetching the elements inside that blob on demand and processing
> them?

Time is not the issue.

Ralf seemed to be suggesting that lazy validation is OK, where you simply
slave the root zone locally and point a normal validating resolver at it.
If you do that then you don't have a sensible way to recover from a
corrupt transfer, because you will only discover it is bust when you are
processing a query and that's a bad time to try re-doing the transfer.

Maybe it would be OK if the resolver was configured to use the real root
servers as a fallback in case the local copy gets corrupted.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Cromarty, Forth: Variable 3 becoming northwest 4 or 5, occasionally 6 later.
Slight, becoming slight or moderate. Thundery showers and fog patches at
first. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor at first.

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