> one can lookup A, AAAA and SRV in parallel and positive answer
> to SRV, as Paul mentioned, can have additional A and AAAA RRs.

A downside is that clients has to wait for the SRV query to complete
so they can be sure of the presence or not of an SRV. First-win
approaches like happy eyeballs don't work here so most clients are
going to perform at the rate of negative cache lookups for the
foreseeable future. In aggregate I would expect this will slow clients
a bit.

You're also ensuring that the global query rate will substantially
increase on the assumption that HTTP/2.0 becomes as popular as

Generally speaking, the challenge is that SRV is likely acceptable to
commercial CDN providers that have thus far relied on CNAME - with
it's intrinsic level of indirection - but will be less welcome by
those who are using every trick to squeeze latency out of HTTP.

The latter - who are well represented in http-wg - will probably not
welcome a parallel SRV even if the latency impact is mostly zero.

If you want to make everyone happy, you need to invent a single
round-trip resolution that supports indirection...

These are just observations - not judgments.


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