> -----Original Message-----
> From: dns-privacy [mailto:dns-privacy-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Nicholas
> Weaver
> Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 1:58 AM
> To: Paul Wouters
> Cc: dnsop; Nicholas Weaver; dns-priv...@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [dns-privacy] [DNSOP] DNS over DTLS (DNSoD)
> On Apr 23, 2014, at 1:00 PM, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
> > No, I fully disagree with this. Port 53 TCP has a much better chance
> > at working these days than a random other newly assigned port.

On the contrary, Firewalls are configured today to permit UDP port 53 and block 
TCP port 53. Why should firewalls change their configuration ?
DNSoD does not require any changes to the Firewall configuration. Browsers 
already support DTLS because of WebRTC (SRTP-DTLS for media streams, SCTP over 
DTLS over UDP for data channels).


> Not true.  Port 53 is far more molested than "random":  INBOUND firewall rules
> prevent you from running new services without firewall rule modifications, but
> outbound blocking is far less common.  (Our test port for this is TCP 1947 
> with
> Netalyzr).
> --
> Nicholas Weaver                  it is a tale, told by an idiot,
> nwea...@icsi.berkeley.edu                full of sound and fury,
> 510-666-2903                                 .signifying nothing
> PGP: http://www1.icsi.berkeley.edu/~nweaver/data/nweaver_pub.asc

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