In message <>, Andrew Sullivan writes:
> On Wed, Apr 02, 2014 at 09:39:43AM +1100, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > Always set CD=1 is also bad advice.  Stub resolvers need to send
> > both CD=1 and CD=0 queries and should default to CD=0.  CD=1 should
> > be left to the case where they get a SERVFAIL result to the CD=0
> > to handle the case where the recursive server's clock is broken or
> > it has a bad trust anchor.
> It strikes me that this argument has been hashed pretty well to death
> before, but just to refresh everyone's memory, there are several
> different strategies one can use here:
> 1.  CD=1 all the time, and if you get into trouble consider the
> failure a feature.  Mark's argument (which has some merit) is that
> this is too strong, because if the stub gets the bogus answer, it
> can't "fall through" and pick up another one that might be good.
> 2.  CD=1 mostly, and if you get a failure try falling back to CD=0.
> Maybe with CD=0, the recursive server will find you something that
> validates in order to get you on your way.
> 3.  The opposite of (2), defauling to CD=0 (what Mark advocates).  
> 4.  Give up on stubs and be a full service resolver all the time.
> For 1-3, people may have a peek at RFC 6840, especially section 5.9
> and Appendix B.

And I pointed out before RFC 6840 was published that the appendix
was incomplete in its analysis.  You didn't want to reopen the
analysis, as it was a long discussion to get what was there, and
the wg, I suspect, was too fried to care one way or the other.  As
a result we have to deal with the fallout now.

> None of this, AFAICT, helps us at all with the 1024/2048 choice.

Actually it does as it shows that recursive servers need to validate.
If you are looking at workload you have to factor that into the

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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