In message <>, Florian Weimer writes:
> * Mark Andrews:
> >>>    Another note is that the answer to the NS query, unlike the referral
> >>>    sent when the question is a full qname, is in the Answer section, not
> >>>    in the Authoritative section.  It has probably no practical
> >>>    consequences.
> >> 
> >> Most resolvers do not make NS queries, and some authoritative servers
> >> do not return useful data (or any data at all).  So using NS queries
> >> for zone cut discovery does not work reliably.
> >
> > Any resolver that is DNSSEC aware will make NS queries (whether
> > validating or not).
> Really?  Where is this mentioned in the protocol RFCs?

RFC 3658  Special processing when child and an ancestor share
> > Nameservers that fail to handle NS queries are broken.  More NS
> > queries would be good for the overall health of the DNS as it would
> > flush out the broken servers.
> Sure, but in practice, no one wants to be the person who exerts this
> perssure on zone publishers.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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