Thanks Rick.

Paul's original commission to write the spec was I think largely motivated by 
the need for an API that non-DNS expert application developers could live with. 
 I am hoping that by building a fully open (BSD licensed) implementation that 
is willing to accept contributions from the community we will end up with 
something that will move DNSSEC adoption to the next level.

Glen Wiley
Sr. Engineer
The Hive, Verisign, Inc.

From: Richard Lamb <<>>
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 2:02 PM
To: "Wiley, Glen" <<>>, 
"<>" <<>>
Subject: RE: beta release of getdns stub resolver

Thank you guys!

This is exactly the kind of leadership the rest of the IT industry needs to 
help take DNSSEC to the next level.  Many of us were just going to hack up some 
code for Windows out of frustration but were stymied by what sort of interface 
would be the most attractive to developers (and therefore widespread DNSSEC 
adoption).  So we were waiting for someone else to take the first step.  You 
did it.

Thanks !!
–Rick Lamb (with entrepreneur hat on)

From: DNSOP [] On Behalf Of Wiley, Glen
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:47 AM
Subject: [DNSOP] beta release of getdns stub resolver

Verisign and NLnet Labs are pleased to announce the first beta release (0.1.0) 
of an open source implementation of the getdns API specification.  The 
project's home page is at<>.

getdns is a modern asynchronous DNS API. It implements DNS entry points from a 
design developed and vetted by application developers, in the specification at edited by Paul Hoffman. With the development of 
this API, we intend to offer application developers a modernized and flexible 
way to access DNS security (DNSSEC) and other powerful new DNS features; a 
particular hope is to inspire application developers towards innovative 
security solutions in their applications.

We invite everyone to take a look at the project and to provide feedback to us 
and even contribute back to the project!  We expect to have successive releases 
over the next few months that move us toward a more complete implementation and 
includes ports to even more platforms.

Signed…the getdns core team:
Craig Despeaux, Verisign, Inc.
Neel Goyal, Verisign, Inc.
Olaf Kolkman, NLnet Labs
Allison Mankin, Verisign Labs.
Melinda Shore, No Mountain Software LLC
Willem Toorop, NLnet Labs
Wouter Wijngaards, NLnet Labs
Glen Wiley, Verisign, Inc.
DNSOP mailing list

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