this is interesting times for the DNS, in operations and elsewhere.
We have recently seen increased interest in DNS and privacy/confidentiality
as well as in the topic of "new TLDs", scratching the boundaries between
ICANN and the IETF, again.  There are lots of new uses of the DNS one
way or another, good and challenging, in various parts of the IETF and it is
good to see that we maintain a committed core of DNS people within our
standards body. With the protocol being "ready", this is just the start of
another journey.

At this time, after 25 IETF meetings, I have informed our AD that I'd
like to step down from the position of a DNSOP co-chair and hand over
the responsibility to somebody else to join Tim in chairing the group.

It was a pleasure to serve the WG and the community and I owe a lot of thanks
to a lot of people for their work as reviewers, scribes, editors, contributors,
monitors (in the ancient sense of the word) and, not the least, fellow
co-chairs and advising ADs. Thank you!

Best regards,
DNSOP mailing list

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