In message <>, David Conrad
> Hi,
> On Dec 7, 2013, at 5:59 AM, Tim Wicinski <> wrote:
> > We're kicking off the Working Group Last call on Adding
> prefixes to IPv4 Locally-Served DNS Zones Registry. The author believe
> that this document has addressed all the issues raised on the document.
> The latest version of the draft is available at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Because of this last call is surrounded by the upcoming holiday season,
> we're making this a four (4) week last call cycle.
> > Substantive comments and statements of support/opposition for advancing
> this document should be directed to the mailing list. Editorial
> > suggestions can be sent directly to the authors. The chairs will send
> in their comments as well during the last call period. This last call will
> > conclude on January 3rd, 2014.
> I've read the document and I think there might be a bit of an issue:
> It appears we now have multiple registries listing the same information.
> Specifically:
> s-zones.xhtml
> seems to be a subset of

David you need to learn the definition of subset.  They are overlapping sets.

> n-names.xhtml
> Options to deal with this:
> 1. revise the IANA considerations section to indicate that both
> registries need to be updated
> 2. remove the locally served zones from the special-use-domain-names
> registry
> 3. merge the two registries into a single uber-wonky-name registry
> 4. give up on this DNS thing as it was clearly a mistake and go back to
> ip address literals
> While the last option is looking more and more appealing, I'm personally
> leaning towards option 3, adding a column that says how the name should
> be dealt with (e.g., "locally served via DNS", "never touch the wire",
> "non-DNS", etc.).
> Regards,
> -drc
> P.S. There should probably be a better way to find these registries -- I
> had to resort to Google and clicking around to find both registries.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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