On 11/12/2013 09:20 AM, Tim Wicinski wrote:
> I've uploaded the minutes, with an initial editing pass. There are
> located here:
> http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/88/minutes/minutes-88-dnsop

I wasn't there, and wasn't able to follow remotely this time, but I
assume that "Evan Hunt: csync is push, competitor (dynamic update, see
Mark Andrews) is pull." was actually the other way around.

And a side note about a later topic, PCP to update Dynamic DNS, I had
actually seen that draft, and object to the statement that 'SRV http is
not yet supported by a lot of browsers'. I haven't been following the
http specs recently but last time I checked, SRV wasn't defined for
http, so browsers *shouldn't* 'support' it.

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