There is no reason USE RULES on the addresses resolved cannot be
published (except perhaps that certain parties in this group doesnt want
that to happen for some reason).
For instance - one could publish a OPT-OUT Statement for Mailing Use
Rules, something that is critically needed in dealing with SPAM...
That said it makes sense to extend DNS into other areas to make it less
necessary at the application context to rely on its shared OS context
(allows a more appliance like operation). In fact ultimately there is no
reason DNS is not functionally a policy and infrastructure information
lookup and publishing tool.
Oh yeah - except a bunch of purists want to make sure it never evolves
into something that they didnt create... This is the same crap I run
into all the time with the US6370629 patent now that McNeil and I have
our control back.
So look - YES while this specific brief isnt maybe the best expansion -
the idea has merit that there is a need for a DIGITAL CONTENT
INFRASTRUCTURE LOOKUP PRACTICE for policy publication and DNS is
probably the best place possible to layer that functionality INTO (not
on top of).
On 04/18/2013 02:10 AM, Jim Reid wrote:
On 18 Apr 2013, at 04:31, Erik Kline <> wrote:
Do people even contemplate new classes anymore?
Yes. A now dead Swiss(?) academic got paid by the ITU to promote this idea 4-5 years ago
after he presented it at WSIS and IGF. The concept was to "increase
competition" in the DNS name space. Which would have the not entirely accidental
side effect of breaking USG/ICANN hegemony on Internet governance.
His web sites and projects are no longer active, so I don't have current URLs
for his papers and slideware. google found this though:
Be sure to have lots of padding beneath your chin to soften the impact when
your jaw drops if you read this.
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